female & native owned | urban - grown vegetables | Fort Collins, COlorado

come find me at the
Larimer County Farmers Market
every Saturday Jun-Oct
Respect the Earth. Love the Soil. Eat Local.
Guwʾáadzí (HELLO in Keres, spoken by several Pueblo tribes) and dáwáaʾé (THANK YOU) for your interest in Little Sun Farm! My name is Reiden Leslie and I run an urban vegetable farm growing on less than one acre. I was formerly in Portland, OR and moved back to my home town - Fort Collins, CO in 2022. I love growing unique and flavorful vegetables of all shapes, sizes, colors and textures. I also care about human health and recognize the connection between the health of people and soil.
Farm Photos
Impala - FOCO
We moved to a new home site in NW Fort Collins, CO. Aspirations of growing the farm & the family in one new location.
Flores del sol - foco
Helping manage Colorado Fresh & Little Fresh in Fort Collins, CO. Larimer County Farmers Market + Farm stand.
Year 3 - pdx
Third year at Headwaters Incubator Farm outside of Portland, OR, on 0.75 acres and selling at Woodstock Market.
Year 2 - pdx
Year 2 at Headwaters Incubator Farm outside Porland, OR and selling at Woodstock Market as well as a small CSA.
Year 1 - pdx
Little Sun Farm begins! 0.3 acres leased from Headwaters Incubator Farm and selling at Hawthorne & Happy Valley farmers market.

“When Pueblo peoples speak of agriculture, they really mean ‘agri-culture’, a rich legacy of a profound human interconnection with the land and its blessings of food plants.”
– Kenny Ausubel, A People’s Ecology